Monday, June 7, 2010

welcome to the orphanage

I'm not sure if I have all of the kids here, but lots of them anyway.

Baby pile + Kristen! So I will admit that this was partially staged. there were a lot of babies already sitting on/around her, I just picked up the rest and put them there too.

When the kids need to shit, they sit on these things. They know they aren't allowed to get off so they push themselves around on them. It's pretty funny.

This is my son, Philbert. As you will see in a later photo he has a full set of teeth (apparently he did last year when Meaghan and Miles were here too), but that's not why I love him so much. He is the coolest kid and is so smart. We taught him how to pound fists and he taught every other kid how to do it too. He also helps Raheim learn how to walk by holding his hand and walking around with him and picking him up when he falls. He is always helping out the caregivers and other kids. He knows that he's my favorite now, so he comes and cuddles with me all the time and gives me hugs.

Arnault, king of the babies. Arnault gives this look a lot, but he's not unhappy.

The twins, Fosia and Faishal

Raheim. He knows how to walk, he just hates it.

Bakisa, Kristen's fave. We call her baby baby because she is the only real baby there. She likes to sit like a frog and all you need to do to make her smile is say "Bakisa!" And she will start crawling towards you with a huge 4-tooth grin (two front top, two front bottom).

Phili being the cool kid that he is.

This is Shenda and Arnault. He loves to be held upside down.

Arnault again. The kids often lose their pants because the pants are too big for them.

L to R: Awale, Phili, Mamoudou. That last one is the bully of the group.

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